IH5 Web Principles

Your brand is also much more than your logo. It’s how you address customers’ wants/needs and create positive emotional experiences. Plus, a strong brand differentiates you from the competition.

Stylized megaphone

Clear Call to Action

When designing a website, you are trying to get your audience to do something. Motivate your visitors to take action or make a purchase.

Icon of a stylish website in a browser

Custom Format

Your business is unique – your website should be too. At IH Concepts we will help make your website memorable to your visitors.

Stylized clock

Website Load Time

73% of users won’t return If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load. Consider load time; people don’t like waiting.

A heart icon with a star in the middle

Design and Branding

Look at the whole picture when considering your company’s overall brand. IH Concepts sees your website as a piece of your overall marketing collateral; keeping your brand and your visual message consistent.

A stylized teal and yellow eye

Info is Easy to Find

Whether it’s on a desktop, tablet or smartphone your visitors need to find information on your website quickly. IH Concepts designs your website with simplicity in mind.

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"Ibrahim is always focused on his client’s needs. Their success is important to him and he works to find the right solution for each one. He is organized and manages projects closely from start to finish."

–Darlene Murphy, DM Marketing