5 Things for Businesses to Consider When Developing a Brand

Well, we did it. We’ve revamped our website and the changes are officially up and running! It took a little over a year, but after a lot of hard work we’re proud to share our new online presence.

None of these changes would’ve happened without the creation of our IH5 Web in 2016. IH5 Web contains our design and marketing guidelines for websites, and we’ve included them in our new website to share them with others.

IH5 Web proved to be an easy task for us. It also inspired the creation of IH5 Mobile and IH5 Branding. Mobile, like Web, was no big deal. Easy p-z. IH5 Branding, on the other hand, had us stumped for a moment.

Why do companies decide to brand or re-brand? What steps should they take to achieve those goals? Those were some questions we were asking ourselves.

To help answer them, we conducted interviews in a focus group with business professionals. Not surprisingly, we received a wide range of great answers to help us develop IH5 Branding. Here are a few questions we asked along with common answers we received:

Q: What makes you want to do business with your favorite brand?
A: I know their story. They’re quality. They have great customer service.

Q: What is it important for people to think about your company?
A: Reliable. Fun. Quality. We’re here to make their lives easier.

Q: What might cue you to brand or rebrand?
A: Not seeing results. A big change in management or organization. Straying too far from our original mission.

After listening to such answers and collaborating amongst our own team of professionals, we developed five key points for branding:

1. Tell Your Story

2. Keep Your Audience in Mind

3. Be Memorable, Be Recognizable

4. Stay Current

5. Keep It Consistent

By keeping these five things in mind, businesses can better connect with their audiences to communicate their brand messages, such as reliability, quality, excitement, etc.

We feel that IH5 Branding has taken our own brand to the next level and that it can help others to do the same. To read more about IH5 Branding, browse the other IH5 Principles, or to see our updated website, visit us at https://www.ihconceptsonline.com/ih5-branding/

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