5 Things You Can Do to Prevent Your Website from Being Hacked

Websites allow businesses to interact with their customers, as long as they have a mobile device. Businesses can communicate with their customers, give them updates, and showcase new products and services.

However, it is common for hackers to target websites with more people using open source options, like WordPress and Joomlia. Here is how to protect your website from being hacked.

1. Keep Your WordPress and Plugins Up to Date

Ensuring your WordPress version is the most current version is key to keeping your website running and protecting yourself from hackers. Additionally, keeping plugins up to date is essential in preventing your website from being hacked. Plugins add functionality to a website and make web design easier for lots of website owners.

However, plugins need to be updated often and should not be over relied on. Website owners should check their plugins, on software like WordPress, about once a week and install the updates as they become available. Being proactive and preventing being hacked in the long-term is much easier than having to clean your website after being hacked and allows website owners protect themselves from malware.

2. Create Strong Passwords

Websites are starting to have more requirements, like uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols, for passwords to protect their users. It is important to use at least 8 characters when creating your password and avoid using generic passwords.

Website owners should also create a two-factor authentication for their sites, as it creates more security. Two-factor authentication ensures that website owners are the only ones who can access their site.

3. Have an SSL Certificate

SSL stands for secure socket layers. SSL certificates are digital certificates that authenticate your website’s identity and enable encrypted connection. Before 2018, IHC recommended SSL certificates for ecommerce sites because they handled credit card information.

As of 2018 and the release of Chrome68, Google requires websites to have an SSL certificate, or the site will show up as “not secure.” Some hosting and domain names provide SSL certificates for free.

However, website owners should avoid free SSL certificates. There are low assurance and high assurance SSL certificates. SSL certificates are usually about $5-$10 and typically need to be renewed once a year.

4. Avoid Using Less Than Reputable Themes and Plug-ins For Important Information

Using themes that are no longer supported can make your site more vulnerable and result in an entire website redesign. Recently IH Concepts had a ciient that previously built a wordpress website using a free theme. Themes need constant updates to secure them from being hacked.

When a developer abandons a theme, it means it’s no longer able get update opening the doors to an attack. In addition to not using themes that are reputable, avoid using plug ins for stylizing menus and or using a plugin for critical information on the website.

We had to advise our client, that we couldn’t change anything because the plugin and theme used was unsupported and could break the site. It is important to think about the long term when doing a website.

5. Choose a Reputable Hosting Provider

A hosting provider is a company that owns and maintains the server that hosts your site. Choosing the right hosting provider is extremely important because the server affects your site’s security and performance.

A website’s hosting provider is critical to maintaining the site and keeping it safe. There are many different types of hosting plans so it is important to research which plan would work best for your website’s needs

Final Thoughts

When it comes to website security, it is extremely important to be proactive and think about the long-term effects of using certain plugins, themes, and hosting providers. While keeping your website secure can be costly, it is crucial to not cut corners when it comes to website security. Ensuring your site is safe and secure can prevent your site from needing a costly cleaning, or even an entire website redesign.

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