Perfecting a brand is extremely important to any organization. A brand is a first impression connecting your audience to your organization.
When it comes to a brand, a company must keep several components in mind. There is a lot you can do to help boost your brand reception, but there are specific things to avoid. Here are our 5 things to avoid in branding:
1. Calling Branding Done at the Logo
A logo and a corporate identity are just one part of your overall brand. Branding takes on a much larger concept. In general, your brand encompasses who you are, what you stand for, and what you believe in.
In a previous IH Concepts blog “5 Things for Businesses to Consider When Developing a Brand”, we discussed 5 key points in branding which include telling your story, keeping your audience in mind, being memorable and recognizable, staying current, and keeping it consistent. Your brand needs to have a purpose and represent your values. Achieving these aspects will show credibility, connecting your business to your target audience.
For example, when customers view the Nike swoosh symbol, it is common that they associate it with the “just do it” empowering message Nike strives to promote. As a result, Nike continues to attract people who support the company. Finding your mission, determining your why, crafting your message, positioning your company, and then designing your logo will lead to success.
2. Overdoing Your Logo

Thorough research from BusinessBlogs Hub has shown that when it comes to a logo, staying simple is key. Creating a simple logo that does not have too many colors, objects, or words keeps your visual message concise to draw in your audience.
For example, the McDonald’s arches logo and the Target bullseye logo have remained so effective over time due to the straightforward designs and minimal colors. Successful organizations are following the trend of simplicity in order to remain more memorable, provide more clarity to customers, and make sure that people will continue to come back. Creating a logo that can be easily recognized and recalled will leave a lasting impact on customers.
3. Designing or rebranding without purpose
Considering if and when to change your logo requires thought and rational. Examining how this change in identity would impact your company is important. When deciding whether it is appropriate to rebrand, it is important to pause and ask yourself why you want to do this, what you would change, and how your current audience would react to the change.
It is important to avoid making a change just because a competitor may be doing it or because of a current trend. If you are creating a new organization, designing with purpose can ensure that you will be meeting your goals and doing it right the first time. This will result in credibility and give your organization the highest possible impact.
4. Going the cheap route

Logos should be unique in order to stand out, but most importantly to avoid trademark disputes. Creating a logo is going to be one of the most important decisions you make for your organization. It is necessary to keep this in mind over choosing the quickest or least expensive option.
With many logo makers available such as Wix, many businesses are starting to navigate towards these alternatives because they appear inexpensive. However, this route can be more expensive in the long run. For example, two well-known companies, HealthPartners and Sam’s Club, experienced a trademark logo dispute because their logos were too similar, as discussed in an article on StarTribune.
Finding that one-of-a-kind logo can assure you steer clear of similar trademark disputes. Just like McDonald’s logo finds success in its simple design, it is also known to be completely unique of all other brands. A logo needs to clearly represent who you are, making it an extremely important investment that should be handled with careful consideration.
5. Overlooking trademark research
When it comes to research, it is smart to use an attorney depending on how big you want your organization to grow. In an article on Belmont Vision, it was discussed how Baylor University and Belmont University experienced trademark disputes because of the similarities between their logos. Being in a trademark dispute can often be very costly in attorney fees and wasted marketing efforts.
In order to avoid a situation like this, do the research ahead of time and consider an attorney. Think about where you will be in the future and how far you want to grow.
Thorough research is necessary to protect your brand and your reputation for years to come. A business is a significant investment in both time and money. While putting in the proper steps is an upfront investment, it will be worth it in the long run.
When you foster a brand that represents your values and goals, you can leave an impact on customers for years to come. Your brand is what represents your company and the perception you want to leave your customers. Looking at the whole picture of branding, keeping your logo simple, having a design plan, investing in your brand, and taking the proper steps to protect your brand will put you on the path to success and create an impact with your audience.
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